
Although significant improvements in energy efficiency have been achieved in home appliances and lighting this is not enough, the electricity consumption in the average EU-25 household has been increasing by about 2% per year during the last 10 years. Some of the reasons for such increase in the residential sector electricity consumption are associated with a higher degree of basic comfort and level of amenities (particularly in the new EU member countries) and also with the widespread utilization of relatively new types of loads whose penetration and use has experience a very significant growth in recent years.



The overall objective of the REMODECE project was to contribute to an increased understanding of the energy consumption in the EU-27 households for the different types of equipment, including the consumers behaviour and comfort levels, and identify demand trends. This project evaluated the potential electricity savings that exist in the residential sector in Europe, and that can already be implemented by existing means, like the use of very efficient appliances or the elimination/mitigation of standby consumption. The availability of high quality data is an essential condition for the definition of policy recommendations to influence through a combination of measures the energy efficiency of the equipment to be sold in the EU-27 in the next decade, as well as to influence the user behaviour in the selection and operation of that equipment.

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